Our nation was built “…by the people, for the people” and we are “created equal…with unalienable rights that are among these are life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.” Yet there are times, like today, when discrimination and hatred of others become louder and more invasive. Currently:
A third of Americans endorse some form of the tenants of the “Great Replacement” theory (University of Massachusetts)
Only 31% of Americans are satisfied with the state of race relations (Gallup)
81% of Americans say Black people face at least some discrimination (Pew Research Center)
76% of Americans say Hispanic people face at least some discrimination (Pew Research Center)
71% of Americans say AANHPI people face at least some discrimination (Pew Research Center)
4 in 10 women have experienced discrimination at work because of their gender (Pew Research Center)
HRC, the leading LGBTQ+ advocacy organization declared a “National State of Emergency" for LGBTQ+ Americans because of the onslaught on anti-LGBTQ+ bills being signed into law in states across the nation. (HRC)
Far too many are being impacted by the current wave of hate and discrimination. This includes those being forced to leave, or consider, leaving their homes, friends, families and jobs for safer communities. Whether it be a record number of anti-LGBTQ+ bills, unprecedented anti-Asian and anti Hispanic hate crimes or opposition to the Black Lives Matter efforts, the vocal minority is loud.
Yet we know that:
91% of Americans believe LGBTQ+ people should have the freedom to live their life and not be discriminated against (GLAAD)
80% of Americans want to work for a company that values diversity, equity and inclusion (CNBC/SurveyMonkey Workforce Survey)
We believe that the overwhelming majority of real estate professionals are against hate. They recognize the vocal minority is driving a wedge between us all and creating an inhospitable environment in communities around the nation.
We also believe in the power of our real estate industry and recognize our leadership stance affords us the opportunity to drive positive change. We are more than 1.5 million strong, we contribute between 15-18% to the U.S. gross domestic product (NAHB) and we are leaders and influencers in our communities.
It is time for the majority - the real estate majority - to be a catalyst for change and eliminate hate in our nation.
What is the Stop Hate in Real Estate initiative?
A vocal minority has created divisiveness within our nation as we have seen so much discrimination, and even outright hatred, against our diverse sectors. LGBTQ+ Real Estate Alliance President Erin Morrison had a belief that the overwhelming number of the more than 1.5 million real estate professionals are against discrimination and hate. But they have had nowhere to turn. She also believed this large group could be a catalyst for change. They could say, “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH,” fight back against the minority, take back the reins, and stamp out hate.
She also believed that real estate professionals recognize that in a previous time of national strife, NAR lobbied against the eventual 1968 Civil Rights Act. The real estate industry was on the wrong side of history as NAR. That can change today!
Morrison’s idea led to the creation of the Stop Hate in Real Estate initiative.
Which organizations are part of the Stop Hate in Real Estate initiative?
The Stop Hate in Real Estate campaign was initially created by the LGBTQ+ Real Estate Alliance and now includes the other major diverse groups in real estate:
Asian Real Estate Association of America (AREAA)
National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals (NAHREP)
These four groups combine for nearly 75,000 members!
Is this the first time the four major diversity groups within real estate have come together?
Yes. Each group has been vocal on issues and concerns related to their respective interests. And that will continue. But with this program, the four groups are now working closely together recognizing that attacks on one group are an attack on all.
Why is the Stop Hate in Real Estate initiative needed?
Our nation was built “…by the people, for the people” and we are “created equal…with unalienable rights that include life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.” Yet there are times, like today, when discrimination and hatred of others become louder and more invasive.
Redfin just reported the result of a survey of more than 5,000 Americans that found that 10.6% of those who planned to sell their homes and move within the next 12 months were doing so because they “felt discrimination in their previous neighborhood.”
Only 31% of Americans are satisfied with the state of race relations (Gallup)
81% of Americans say Black people face at least some discrimination (Pew Research Center)
76% of Americans say Hispanic people face at least some discrimination (Pew Research Center)
71% of Americans say AANHPI people face at least some discrimination (Pew Research Center)
4 in 10 women have experienced discrimination at work because of their gender (Pew Research)
HRC, the leading LGBTQ+ advocacy organization declared a “National State of Emergency '' for LGBTQ+ Americans because of the onslaught of anti-LGBTQ+ discriminatory bills being signed into law in states across the nation. (HRC)
Far too many people are being impacted by the current wave of hate and discrimination. This includes those being forced to leave, or consider, leaving their homes, friends, families, and jobs for safer communities. Whether it be a record number of anti-LGBTQ+ bills, unprecedented anti-Asian and anti-Hispanic hate crimes, or opposition to the Black Lives Matter efforts, the vocal minority is loud. It also includes the 66% of female real estate professionals who are also challenged as showcased by the recent New York Times report about rampant sexual discrimination in the industry.
Yet there are many, many against such attacks including the:
80% of Americans want to work for a company that values diversity, equity and inclusion (CNBC/SurveyMonkey Workforce Survey)
What is StopHateinRealEstate.org?
The Alliance, in partnership with the other three major diverse organizations in real estate, created the StopHateinRealEstate.org to provide the overwhelming majority of real estate professionals against divisiveness, discrimination, and hatred, a place to come together in force. The site is the catalyst for change and the opportunity to continue the movement through a variety of educational activities.
What is the Stop Hate in Real Estate Pledge?
Real estate professionals who visit the site will be met with “The Pledge” that reads:
By participating in Stop Hate in Real Estate:
I believe we have the power to help change the trajectory of our nation so that we don’t have to wake up each morning to headlines of discrimination and hate.
I want to advance the right to homeownership for all.
I support the positive impact the real estate industry can make in stamping out discrimination and hate.
I believe that I can be a positive influence within my sphere of influence and community and do what I can to combat discrimination and hate when I see it.
They then sign their name, include their email, and add their company name. They can also agree to have their name publicly shared on the site.
Those representing a company can also take the Pledge with the ability to upload their company logo which will be placed on the site.
Upon completing the Pledge, signees will receive several social media and marketing collateral pieces.
When did the Stop Hate in Real Estate movement begin?
Activities began with a press conference on September 26 prior to Experience: The Alliance opening in Houston. Along with families who have been forced from their homes by anti-LGBTQ+ bills and rhetoric, leaders from the Alliance, AREAA, NAHREP, and WomanUp! spoke to unveil the program and the website.
How will the Stop Hate in Real Estate initiative continue?
The four major diversity groups will work to galvanize a super-majority of real estate professionals to understand that they can stand up against hate at the local, state, and national levels and create the needed change our industry and our nation need today. This includes:
Creating a business culture where hate and hateful behavior are no longer tolerated.
Educating and informing real estate professionals on how to take action against hate.
Raise awareness through educational programming.
Forge partnerships with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), National Fair Housing Alliance (NFHA), NAR, and other organizations to deliver information to real estate professionals and consumers about how discrimination appears in home buying transactions.
Educate real estate professionals so they can recognize and report discriminatory and hateful behavior via a NAR ethics complaint or other effort.
Create a deeper understanding of discrimination through programming that casts a spotlight on the psychological, social, and neurological factors that contribute to feelings of hatred and prejudice among individuals and groups.
What can Real Estate brands, partners, companies, Realtor associations, etc., do to assist?
The Stop Hate in Real Estate program is a grassroots initiative. But having support “at the top” will have major positive implications. Those who wish to support the program at a corporate, company, and association level can participate in a variety of ways including:
Having leadership publicly sign The Pledge and encourage all employees, agents, broker/owners, etc. to do the same.
Signing as an entity.
Allowing DEI heads and ERG leaders and members to promote the campaign internally.
Incorporate corporate leaders in virtual programming that addresses the ways companies are tackling discrimination and hate.

By participating in Stop Hate in Real Estate:
I believe we have the power to help change the trajectory of our nation so that we don’t have to wake up each morning to headlines of discrimination and hate.
I want to advance the right to homeownership for all.
I support the positive impact the real estate industry can make in stamping out discrimination and hate.
I believe that I can be a positive influence within my sphere of influence and community and do what I can to combat discrimination and hate when I see it.